Operational flight group in Mozambique, action "embassy"

 1986 - 1990

......Extract from the command 21/86......
On the basis of Order No. 29/86 of the Minister of
National Defense for a special task
in PR Moçambique

                                                I COMMANDS:


1. The formation of a group flight in stock
             First Pilots, as head of the group flight
             Second pilot
             board engineer
             One member of the technical and engineering staff
             1 transport aircraft AN-26, TS-24 with Interflug labeling
             1 passenger cars Lada Combi
NOTE: Although we command it was "just" a combination Wartburg
Barracks: MAPUTO
Strausberg, the  18.03.1986                Reinhold
                                                                     Colonel General


Karte Mocambique von Google Earth


mission chronicle  flight documents  routes  inland  base location Maputo  general





26 years ago:
End of April 1990, the base of the TS-24 was dissolved in Maputo. The presence of the TS-24 in Mozambique ended on 30.04.1990 with the launch of two AN-26, which took over the return of the existing equipment to Dresden.


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